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A Word from Our Founder

I first stepped foot on American soil in 2015. Born and raised in Malaysia, I immigrated to the USA in my early twenties because of one thing: liberty. Soon enough, I learned that freedom sounds like something…even the ticking of a watch.

Fast forward to 2022. During the pandemic, everyone was hit hard. Personally, I experienced isolation for more reasons than just the lockdown. Separated by space and culture, I was 8,500 miles away from my family members back home—unable to visit them no matter how much I wanted to.

One Sunday morning, I happened to find a watch that my dad had given me before I left Malaysia. Without really thinking, I put it on and made my way to church. While in prayer, the realization suddenly dawned upon me: I felt like my dad was there with me. The watch on my wrist became a bridge across time and space, giving me a tangible reminder of the love that unites me with my family. 

Overflowing with fresh inspiration, I knew I wanted to give my father the same experience that he had given me. I also desired to share my deep love for America and the timeless values that this nation was built upon.

That is how this company was born.



We have a passion to connect individuals, united across space and time by the rhythm of life—each heartbeat mirrored by the tick of the watch. We are bound together by mutual memories: the sound of laughter, the scent of home-cooked meals, a warm embrace. 

We are also united by timeless values: the freedom to choose, to dream, to take risks. We are invigorated by the freedom of self-expression regardless of race, economic status, gender, or faith. We have the freedom to voice our opinions and pursue our most radical dreams without the fear of being silenced. 

Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness

All of these freedoms are based on the freedom of religion—the defining characteristic of American identity. If the government can control what you believe, they can control how you act. But we live in the land of the free, where true autonomy belongs to you. This right is not given to us by the government—it is given by God, the author of freedom. “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” can only grow and thrive on the soil of religious freedom.

Liberty must be remembered, cherished, and fought for. America is only one generation away from losing the freedoms we hold so dear. That is why we are passionate about championing the values that made this nation extraordinary. We are fanning the flame of liberty for this generation and the next. 

I invite you to join us in harnessing the power of remembrance.

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